Sunday, March 27, 2005

Taking over the living room getting all the Candy!! Posted by Hello

Jory, Miles, and Kalisse with their baskets full! Posted by Hello

Ewan found some candy!! Posted by Hello

Getting ready, all smiles!!! Hayden, Kalisse, and Aidan Posted by Hello

Everyone getting their baskets to go and get Candy Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Jory, Ewan, and Miles making Easter Eggs!! Posted by Hello

Easter Egg fun!! Posted by Hello

Easter Egg decorating Posted by Hello

More Decorating Easter Eggs Posted by Hello

Decorating Easter Eggs with Uncle Chad and Aunt Cheranity Posted by Hello

Aidan in his Leprechaun outfit he made in school. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Christian playing football Posted by Hello

Elijah riding his scooter Posted by Hello

Aidan riding his bike Posted by Hello

Ewan out in the snow Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Picture of everyone when Grandma Chris and Grandpa Tom came to visit, taken in our backyard!! Posted by Hello

Ewan and Aidan 03-2005 Posted by Hello

News: Upcoming Visit

Uncle Chad and Aunt Cheranity are going to be coming for Easter!! They of course are going to be bringing all of the crew: Jory, Miles, Kalisse, and Hayden!! I will get lots of pictures to post on here and to send to everyone!! Can't wait!! We are all so Excited!!

Our pet guinea pig, Cinnamon!! Posted by Hello

Ewan with his newest boo boo!! Posted by Hello

Here are the boys talking to the guy who 'trained' them to work in the Kiss works!! Posted by Hello

Elijah, Christian, Aidan and Ethan all done working in the Hershey Chocolate Factory Works!! Posted by Hello

Ewan going to get a hug from the Hershey Kiss at Hershey Park!!  Posted by Hello