Sunday, July 12, 2009

Blowing a kiss

Blowing kisses and saying HI

Hunter is getting BIG!!

Hunter: What's in here?

OH YEAH I am crawling and I am FAST!

Hunter LOVES Christian's jeans!!

Aidan Sporting a Mullet

Ewan holding Hunter

Hunter and Aunt Cheranity

Everyone playing Wii

Hunter Crawling through a tunnel of legs

Upset to Happy in 2 seconds

Upset to Happy in 2 seconds

Hunter upset


Ewan wearing his shirt that I painted for him also. Yep it is ruined too. Now I know NOT to dry them in the future!


Aidan wearing a shirt I painted for him. Glad I took the pic because once it was in the dryer, it was ruined.

Baby Birds

The baby birds have grown and now are gone from the nest. They were cute while they were here and every time someone went in and out of the house they looked up thinking FOOD!!