Monday, October 31, 2005

Ethan as a Zombie!!

Ewan as Buzzlightyear!!

Aidan as a Skeleton!

Christain as a Zombie Doctor!

Elijah as a Devil!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Watching the scary movie- House!! Look at Aidan!!

Pumpkin guts!

More pumpkin fun!

Grandma helping do some pumpkins.

Finished pumkin products!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Ewan having some pumpkin.

Ewan licking the top of the pumkin!!


More pumpkin mess!

Christopher with a knife!!

Making Jack-O-Laterns.

Making Jack-O-Laterns

Ethan and Elijah doing homework.


Monday, October 03, 2005

a sign as you went onto the beach Posted by Picasa

The Atlantic Horseshoe Crab, found all over the beach, because the seagulls were diving in the water, bringing them out and eating them!! Posted by Picasa

Daddy and Ewan going out to the water Posted by Picasa

the boys like the water. Posted by Picasa

Ewan wading in the water Posted by Picasa

Elijah and Ethan throwing rocks into the water Posted by Picasa

Aidan and Christian wanting to know if they can go out in the water Posted by Picasa

Elijah digging in the sand Posted by Picasa

Elijah doing the chicken dance because he is so damn happy to be at the beach Posted by Picasa

Daddy and Ethan looking at rocks Posted by Picasa

Daddy and Ewan. Ewan by the way acted like his feet didn't hurt the whole time Posted by Picasa

Ewan and Christian looking out at the water. Posted by Picasa

Ethan running to the water and soft sand, those rocks hurt so bad!! Posted by Picasa

Aidan, Christian, Elijah playing in the water Posted by Picasa

Aidan, Ethan, and Elijah playing in the water Posted by Picasa